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SpeechEase allows tournament managers to easily pivot to a virtual tournament experience if required. Learn more.

Get Started Free!

  • Create your tournament for free right now! Only pay when you want to schedule your tournament or use online registration.
  • To get started, login. Don't have an account yet? Register first! Then, create your tournament on the My Tournaments page.

Pre-Tournament Setup

  • Choose the events that occur at your tournament, determine deadlines, and create the invitation. Most of the invitation is automatically generated based on your choices for events, deadlines, etc. This includes instructions for schools to register online.


  • Tournament attendees submit their entries online. This includes the number of entries in each event, how many judges they are bringing, and the fees they owe.
  • Once a team has registered, they can submit adds and drops via the online registration tool. This eliminates any miscommunication, and automates the add/drop process!


  • Schedule your tournament with our "Fair-Match" algorithm, ensuring contestants are on a level playing field with no favorites! Unless impossible, contestants from the same school will not be scheduled in the same round, and contestants will see different competition throughout the day.
  • Scheduling can automatically assign rooms for each section, or you can choose to manually assign rooms through our easy-to-use room scheduler.
  • Notifies you if your event should be "flighted" (when there isn't enough room in your facility to run every section concurrently).
  • Judges are automatically assigned to sections, with the software ensuring that judges are not judging one school more than others.


  • With virtual or electronic tournaments, judges enter their scores directly into the secure website. Paper tournaments have full electronic audit logs of scores entered by tab room personnel.
  • Elimination rounds (finals, semi-finals, etc.) are automatically generated with judges assigned either automatically or manually.
  • Supports multiple contestant divisions (Novice/Varsity, etc.).
  • All scores are secure and stored on our web servers with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Printing (or go paperless!)

SpeechEase automatically generates the tedious paperwork to save you time! Or forget the paperwork and go completely paperless - completely electronic or virtual tournament formats are supported! Print-outs (or reports for paperless tournaments) include:
  • Schematics for contestants
  • Schematics for check-in table
  • Room signs (events occurring in that room at each time)
  • Contestant code sheets
  • Contestant-specific schedules (dance cards)
  • Judge assignment sheets
  • Judges' ballots! (listing room number, time, and contestants!)
  • Judge name tags
  • Tab sheets
  • Awards assembly script
  • Master room assignment list
  • Master judge assignment list

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Never get lost or confused when you're managing your tournament - easy checklists and step-by-step instructions are on EVERY page - ensuring that your tournament runs smoothly and on-time!

Continual Development

  • See an improvement that we could make, or a report that you need? We'll write custom improvements just for your tournament if time and resources permit! Also, there's NO software to install -- SpeechEase is completely web-based -- so your tournament can be managed from any web-enabled computer!


  • Using the 'Get started' links at the top or right side of this page, login to create your tournament. Once you have seen the system in action, determine if you want to use SpeechEase. Contact our support team to arrange payment, and all features will be unlocked.
  • Questions? Use our contact form to ask our technical support team!

Basic Fees*

Price Entries
$100 1-99
$125 100-199
$150 200-299
$175 300-399
$225 400-499
$275 500-599
$325 600-699
$375 700-799
$425 800-899
$475 900-999
$500 1000-1299
$625 1300-1599
$750 1600-1899
Contact Us! 1900+


Online Registration FREE
Email Tech Support FREE
Text Messages 2,000 FREE
Additional Text Messages 1 cent per message
Video Conferencing 12 cents per user-hour
Get started free!
Login to create a tournament!
* Price for a single tournament
** If time and resources allow
+ Travel/lodging expenses extra